I'm not in the Business.
I'm the Business.
Rachael in "Blade Runner"
We bring to life the Big Data of companies and public institutions by predicting the values and reasons behind citizens and consumers behavior.
Founded in Trieste in 2020 by the collaboration between SWG - the leading Italian company for market and opinion research - University of Trieste and SISSA - International School of Advanced Studies -, Rachael combines traditional statistical research with big data and data science, achieves a deeper level of public opinion analysis and offers effective tools for strategic planning and relational marketing.
DATA INTEGRATION with statistical methodologies and predictive algorithms
INTERPRETATION based on hybrid models, continuous public opinion tracking and SWG Research community
VISUALIZATION of dense, multidimensional and dynamic information, in order to understand and take action
VIRTUOUS MODEL of connection between public institutions and private company
Development of TRIESTE SYSTEM
The STEM choice after the diploma
Rachael supported the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia in a project of mixed-mode research, integration and data enrichment. The full article is available in Quaderni di Orientamento (page 118), the biannual magazine published by the Service for research, permanent learning and European social fund of the Region.
A new tool for brand positioning analysis
At the MRF21 by Assirm, Rachael and SWG S.p.A. introduced VEDO, a new tool for brand positioning analysis that provides a dynamic visualization of the company's positioning through a multidimensional structure that can be managed independently by the end user to identify the segments of greatest interest.

Case study: energy & multiutilities | Case study: finance & insurance |
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Big Data, healthcare and sustainability
At TriesteNext we have discussed about BigData and their potential impact on society with Aldo Faisal, Professor of artificial intelligence and Neuroscience at Imperial College of London and Antonio Poggiana, director of ASUGI.
Rachael at Assirm MRF20: design the future
Rachael was presented by SWG in the 2020 edition of Assirm Marketing Reseach Forum.
Francesco Biasiol and Alessandra Dragotto conducted the workshop "Rachael – we bring Big Data to life" in which they showed some possible applications of the model to consumers’ motivations and behavior.
Contact: info@rachael.swg.it